Computer Weaving with Fiberworks

One Day Workshop February 15, 2025 by Mary Berent

10 am to 3 pm at Eagle Fire Station #1, 966 E Iron Eagle Dr, Eagle 10 am to 3 pm

Have you always wanted to know how to use weaving software? Have you seen beautifully printed drafts others bring to meetings and wondered how to do that? Would you like to do more with your weaving software? This is your opportunity to see if Fiberworks PCW is the software for you! We will be learning to use the program and the various menu commands and options. Fiberworks is VERY weaver friendly! Just about the time you think you would like to change something or try something different, there will be a way to do just that.

You will need to bring:

  • A laptop computer, either PC or Mac, WITH FIBERWORKS PCW ALREADY LOADED!!! The demo program is free to download, please do this BEFORE the day of the workshop. Make sure your laptop is in working order. Bring a power cord and extension cord for your laptop.
  • Your lunch, we will take a short lunch break, maybe 30 minutes.
  • Notebook, pen, etc for note taking if you want.

We will all be working on our own laptops. Instruction will be on a large screen so you will be able to see the different menu commands and how they can transform a draft before trying it on your own computer. Each part of the draft; threading, tie-up and treadling will be manipulated using Fiberworks, plus some things you can’t do when drafting with graph paper! This will be a fun and concentrated day of computer learning and designing. If you have questions, call, message or email Mary Berent 208-901-5640 Workshop from 10-3 with a short lunch break.

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Wedge Weave, by Connie Lippert

April 11-13, 2025

The Class Description:
In contrast to most weaves which are woven in a plane horizontal to the loom, wedge weave is woven on the diagonal. This results in a weft-faced weaving with many distinctive characteristics and exciting design potential. Work on your own pre-warped loom to explore wedge weave through hands-on experience as well as with detailed handouts and images.

Class Level:
Students should have warping and weaving knowledge. Some weft-faced weaving experience is helpful, though not required.

This class if full, with a waiting list. If you want to be added to the waiting list, contact Jenni Jimmerson